Solutions for Large Wedding Bouquets with Heavy Flowers

How do you keep flowers intact, when making wedding bouquets? Stems tend to fall out and I have used flora adhesive for wet foam, and that helps. Are there other alternatives?

As for keeping stems in the bouquet holder, you can cross or T pin (florist wire folded like a bobby pin) some of the larger stems. If the cascade is a large one, we usually hand wire each stem and slide the wire all the way through the bouquet holder and then bend it across one of the plastic spokes before folding back into the foam. Have never had one fall out.

Sometimes we take a wooden pick, break or cut off part of the end (so it will absorb the water) and add it to the stem. When the wood swells, it helps hold the stems and always flora lock everything. We use these methods for all of our weddings and shows. (Flora-Locke is a spray adhesive found at your local wholesale house).

Another suggestion: Some wedding bouquets will use three dozen roses or more in the design and in order to put this many flowers into one holder, you really need to use the Grande Oasis Holder.



FS-E117 Bouquet above is part of our new floral book series - see

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