Bouquet Descriptions

Floral  Instructional Books


Arm Bouquet A wedding bouquet of flowers, bound and carried in the fold of the arm.
Ballerina Bouquet A round bouquet, composed of masses of net or tulle which served to fill the space devoid of flowers, which were scarce due to the war. (1940's)
Basket Bouquet A wedding bouquet arranged in basket and hand held or carried on the arm or by the handle.  
Basquette Bouquet This bouquet is made in the style of a basket, without using a basket.  The handle is usually made of ribbon.
Bible or Prayer Book Bouquet This bouquet is made to attach to the top of a Bible or Prayer Book.  Many times ribbon is used to attach the flowers to the book.
Cascading Bouquet This bouquet is made with flowers cascading below the main portion of the design.
Cathedral or Tapering Bouquet A long cascading bouquet with more than one cascading extension.  Each extension cascades at different levels.
Clutch Bouquet This bouquet looks like they were picked out of a garden.  They are bound together in a casually gathered look.  Flower stems can be short or long.
Colonial Bouquet Round bouquet of flowers, no noticeable extension of flowers or foliage coming out of bouquet.  These are somewhat larger than the English nosegay bouquets.
Crescent Bouquet The bouquet appears in the shape of a quarter moon.  Flowers are usually tapered and extended at each end while the center is more compact.
Fan Bouquet A bouquet of flowers arranged on a fan.
Flower Girl Basket A small basket carried by the flower girl with loose petals of flowers inside or an arrangement.
Pendulum Cascade Bouquet A bouquet with one cascading singular extension.
Pointed Oval A bouquet in the shape of an oval stretched vertically with the lower tip elongated into a point.  The style is a combination of a round and cascading form.
Pomander Bouquet A ball suspended from a ribbon, composed of multifloral clusters of flowers attached to the ball.
Posy Cluster Bouquet Petite bouquet with larger flowers are massed in the middle and small filler flowers or lace form the edge of the bouquet.  This style was popularized by Queen Victoria.
Scepter Bouquet An ornamental staff decorated with flowers and used as accessory for a member of the wedding party.
Teardrop Bouquet This bouquet is a short, tightly compact cascading bouquet, shaped like an invented teardrop. 
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